P. 13
Il legno è l’unica materia prima
naturale, rinnovabile e riciclabile
al 100% utilizzata per realizzare
Wood is the only natural, renewable and 100% recyclable
raw material used to make window frames.
Wood: a natural raw material
Navello windows and doors are born out of a great passion for wood, combined with a deep
respect for the environment and nature. Wood is the ultimate raw material due to its very limited
environmental impact during processing and its ability to be broken down by microorganisms
without any negative impact on their vital functions, thus reducing pollution of our planet.
Forest management and sustainable development
Wood is a renewable and sustainable resource when it is managed responsibly. Scheduled,
monitored felling operations, aimed at achieving natural regeneration of the trees, ensure
continuity in forest restoration, increase biodiversity and prevent degradation. Navello, by
choosing wood for its windows, contributes to environmental well-being each window stores
approximately 50 kg of CO2.
Navello: a sustainable company
Woodworking does not generate waste, because all wood scraps and offcuts are reprocessed
and reused. Waste materials from the various components - hardware, glass, gaskets - are
stored in special containers and recycled.
A focus on safeguarding its worker’s health and protecting the environment has long guided
the company’s decision-making: the exclusive use of water-based paints for all paintwork,
certified in accordance with European standards; the replacement of internal combustion
forklifts by electric forklifts; from 2024 electricity will be produced with 8,000 m2 of photovoltaic