Page 19 - Catalogo Online Navello
P. 19

for the windows and doors. The sound insulation is
                                                                                        measured with decibels (db), and is denoted by Rw
                                                                                        (C; Ctr). The greater the value the better is the sound
                                                                                        insulation. It is important to remember, however, that
                Air permeability                    Thermal transmittance               the noise curve is a logarithmic type, for this reason,
                Test method UNI EN 1026             UNI EN ISO 10077-1 and 2            for example, lowering the noise by 3 db means, in a
                Classification UNI EN 12207
                                                                                        discussion between two, eliminating the noise caused
                                                    The frames have a strong influence on energy   by a person! The insulating capacity of the window
                It indicates that a window can filter the air in the   saving in a house through air-permeability and   frame is closely linked to the glass soundproofing
                event of a pressure difference between the inside and   thermal transmission. A low thermal transmittance   power, as well as to the number of seals inserted
                the outside. There are 4 classes of performance, the   value is necessary in order to reduce the heat loss   on the frame. It is possible to choose between
                major class, which provides the fewest air infiltrations,   of the building. The measurement for windows   different levels of noise reduction of Navello windows
                is 4. A low air permeability ensures a better living   is Uw (w/mqk), the thermal transmittance of the   depending on the intensity of the external noise.
                comfort and lower heat dispersion towards the   glass influences it in a decisive way (Ug). The type
                outside, thus contributing to saving energy.  of material, the wood is worse conductor than
                                                    aluminium, so it is better, (wood: λ=0,13 - PVC: λ=0,17
                                                    - alluminium: λ=160) and the leaf and frame thickness
                                                    (a window frame with a thickness of 92 mm insulates
                                                    more than 55 mm) are important factors, too.
                                                    The higher cost of a window frame with a low   Certified escape
                                                    thermal transmittance value (Uw) must be assessed   doors
                Wind resistance                     considering the savings that you will get over time due   UNI EN 14351-1
                Test method UNI EN 12211            to reduce heating costs.
                Classification UNI EN 12210                                             Navello front doors, provided with crash bar, have
                                                                                        been certified for escape routes since December
                It indicates that a window can keep its functional and                  2014. Doors on escape routes, without fire and
                performance characteristics thus ensuring the user                      smoke-resistance characteristics, introducing to safe
                safety even under extreme pressure and depressions                      locations, are subject to first level-CE certification of
                that simulate the action of wind. There are 5 classes                   compliance. This means that the control on Production
                of performance, according to the pressure, and   Sound insulation       is not the responsibility of the manufacturer, but
                three classes (A B C) for the acceptable deformation,   UNI EN ISO 10140-2  subject to monitoring, verification and approval by a
                the best class being C5. A high wind resistance is a   UNI EN ISO 717-1; UNI EN 14351-1  third Notified Body. In addition to this, each escape
                guarantee of greater security for the people in the                     door, put on the market, must be accompanied by
                house.                              The ability of a house to protect from external   the Declaration of Performance, showing the number
                                                    noise is an increasingly important requirement for   of the certificate issued by the notified body and the
                                                    living comfort. The designer, depending on the type   main technical features of the frame. The entrance
                                                    of building and the external environmental noise   doors Novecento, Omero and Nuvola meet the
                                                    alleged, is required to define the sound reduction   requirements of the legislation.

                Water resistance
                Test method UNI EN 1027
                Classification UNI EN 12208

                It indicates that a window can prevent water
                infiltration under the action of strong pressures
                which simulate the action of wind. There are 9
                classes depending on the speed of wind, the class 9A
                indicates that the window frame prevents infiltration
                of water up to a wind pressure equal to 600 Pa (115
                km/h). A good resistance of the window ensures best

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